Show workspace name in popups, even if there is only one workspace open.
Always show workspace button, even if there is only one workspace open or not.
Defines one or more APIs.
A list of one or more global buttons.
One or more requirements to check.
Clear output on after config has been reloaded or not.
Defines of or more command for the editor to register.
Activates or deactivates 'deploy on change' feature for all packages.
Shows a button that (de-)activate "deploy on change" feature.
Activates or deactivates 'deploy on save' feature for all packages.
Shows a button that can (de-)activate "deploy on save" feature.
Settings for the process's environment.
Automatically import environment variables as placesholders / values.
One or more variable for the process to define.
One or more shell commands that should be run on startup.
Indicates if 'fast file check' should be used for 'deploy on change' in that package.
Indicates if 'fast file check' should be used for 'deploy on save' in that package.
Indicates if 'fast file check' should be used for 'sync when open' in that package.
Default value for other, not-set "fast file check" settings.
Global data to define.
One or more (minimatch) patterns of files that should be ignored even if a deployment is started for them.
Ignore '.git' folder by default or not.
Ignore settings folder by default or not.
Ignore '.svn' folder by default or not.
A list of imports.
Runs 'bower install' inside the workspace folder on startup, if a 'bower.json' file exists and NO 'bower_components' folder has been found.
Runs 'composer install' inside the workspace folder on startup, if a 'composer.json' file exists and NO 'vendor' folder has been found.
Runs 'npm install' inside the workspace folder on startup, if a 'package.json' file exists and NO 'node_modules' folder has been found.
Runs 'yarn install' (instead of 'npm install') inside the workspace folder on startup, if a 'package.json' file exists and NO 'node_modules' folder has been found.
The custom ID of the language to use (e.g. 'en', 'de').
Open the output window after config has been reloaded or not.
One or more package.
One or more TCP proxies.
Activates or deactivates "remove on change" feature for all packages.
Shows a button that (de-)activate "remove on change" feature.
Checks for one or more required extensions.
Run build task on startup or define the wait time, in milliseconds, after the build task should be run after startup.
Run Git pull on startup or define the wait time, in milliseconds, after Git pull should be run after startup.
Indicates, if non saved documents will be saved automatically, before they are going to be deployed or not.
Show a popup after a successfull deploy operation or not.
Shows a popup when a deploy operation has been finished.
Show a button in the status bar after a deploy operation has been finished.
Show workspace name as prefix in popup messages or not.
One or more commands that should be run on startup.
Activates or deactivates "sync when open" feature.
One or more target.
The time (in milliseconds) to wait before activating 'deploy on change' feature.
The time (in milliseconds) to wait before activating 'remove on change' feature.
Use 'fast-glob' instead of 'node-glob' or not.
Use a global queue for all deploy operations or not.
The items.
Generated using TypeDoc
Workspace settings.