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Interface Configuration

Deploy settings.




Optional alwaysShowWorkspaceNameInPopups

alwaysShowWorkspaceNameInPopups: boolean

Show workspace name in popups, even if there is only one workspace open.

Optional alwaysShowWorkspaceSelector

alwaysShowWorkspaceSelector: boolean

Always show workspace button, even if there is only one workspace open or not.

Optional apis

apis: deploy_api.ApiList

Defines one or more APIs.

Optional buttons

buttons: Button | Button[]

A list of one or more global buttons.

Optional checkForRequirements

One or more requirements to check.

Optional clearOutputOnStartup

clearOutputOnStartup: boolean

Clear output on after config has been reloaded or not.

Optional commands

commands: object

Defines of or more command for the editor to register.

Type declaration

Optional deployOnChange

deployOnChange: boolean

Activates or deactivates 'deploy on change' feature for all packages.

Optional deployOnChangeButton

deployOnChangeButton: deploy_buttons.DeployOnChangeButtonValue

Shows a button that (de-)activate "deploy on change" feature.

Optional deployOnSave

deployOnSave: boolean

Activates or deactivates 'deploy on save' feature for all packages.

Optional deployOnSaveButton

deployOnSaveButton: deploy_buttons.DeployOnSaveButtonValue

Shows a button that can (de-)activate "deploy on save" feature.

Optional env

env: object

Settings for the process's environment.

Type declaration

  • Optional importVarsAsPlaceholders?: boolean

    Automatically import environment variables as placesholders / values.

  • Optional vars?: KeyValuePairs

    One or more variable for the process to define.

Optional executeOnStartup

executeOnStartup: ShellCommand | ShellCommand[]

One or more shell commands that should be run on startup.

Optional fastCheckOnChange

fastCheckOnChange: boolean

Indicates if 'fast file check' should be used for 'deploy on change' in that package.

Optional fastCheckOnSave

fastCheckOnSave: boolean

Indicates if 'fast file check' should be used for 'deploy on save' in that package.

Optional fastCheckOnSync

fastCheckOnSync: boolean

Indicates if 'fast file check' should be used for 'sync when open' in that package.

Optional fastFileCheck

fastFileCheck: boolean

Default value for other, not-set "fast file check" settings.

Optional globals

globals: any

Global data to define.

Optional ignore

ignore: string | string[]

One or more (minimatch) patterns of files that should be ignored even if a deployment is started for them.

Optional ignoreGitFolder

ignoreGitFolder: boolean

Ignore '.git' folder by default or not.

Optional ignoreSettingsFolder

ignoreSettingsFolder: boolean

Ignore settings folder by default or not.

Optional ignoreSvnFolder

ignoreSvnFolder: boolean

Ignore '.svn' folder by default or not.

Optional imports

imports: ImportType | ImportType[]

A list of imports.

Optional initBower

initBower: boolean

Runs 'bower install' inside the workspace folder on startup, if a 'bower.json' file exists and NO 'bower_components' folder has been found.

Optional initComposer

initComposer: boolean

Runs 'composer install' inside the workspace folder on startup, if a 'composer.json' file exists and NO 'vendor' folder has been found.

Optional initNodeModules

initNodeModules: boolean

Runs 'npm install' inside the workspace folder on startup, if a 'package.json' file exists and NO 'node_modules' folder has been found.

Optional initYarn

initYarn: boolean

Runs 'yarn install' (instead of 'npm install') inside the workspace folder on startup, if a 'package.json' file exists and NO 'node_modules' folder has been found.

Optional language

language: string

The custom ID of the language to use (e.g. 'en', 'de').

Optional openOutputOnStartup

openOutputOnStartup: boolean

Open the output window after config has been reloaded or not.

Optional packages

packages: Package | Package[]

One or more package.

Optional proxies

proxies: deploy_proxies.Proxies

One or more TCP proxies.

Optional removeOnChange

removeOnChange: boolean

Activates or deactivates "remove on change" feature for all packages.

Optional removeOnChangeButton

removeOnChangeButton: deploy_buttons.RemoveOnChangeButtonValue

Shows a button that (de-)activate "remove on change" feature.

Optional requiredExtensions

requiredExtensions: object

Checks for one or more required extensions.

Type declaration

Optional runBuildTaskOnStartup

runBuildTaskOnStartup: boolean | number

Run build task on startup or define the wait time, in milliseconds, after the build task should be run after startup.

Optional runGitPullOnStartup

runGitPullOnStartup: boolean | number

Run Git pull on startup or define the wait time, in milliseconds, after Git pull should be run after startup.

Optional saveBeforeDeploy

saveBeforeDeploy: boolean

Indicates, if non saved documents will be saved automatically, before they are going to be deployed or not.

Optional showPopupOnSuccess

showPopupOnSuccess: boolean

Show a popup after a successfull deploy operation or not.

Optional showPopupWhenFinished

showPopupWhenFinished: deploy_gui.ShowPopupWhenFinishedValue

Shows a popup when a deploy operation has been finished.

Optional showStatusWhenFinished

showStatusWhenFinished: boolean | number | null

Show a button in the status bar after a deploy operation has been finished.

Optional showWorkspaceNameInPopups

showWorkspaceNameInPopups: boolean

Show workspace name as prefix in popup messages or not.

Optional startupCommands

One or more commands that should be run on startup.

Optional syncWhenOpen

syncWhenOpen: boolean

Activates or deactivates "sync when open" feature.

Optional targets

targets: Target | Target[]

One or more target.

Optional timeToWaitBeforeActivateDeployOnChange

timeToWaitBeforeActivateDeployOnChange: number

The time (in milliseconds) to wait before activating 'deploy on change' feature.

Optional timeToWaitBeforeActivateRemoveOnChange

timeToWaitBeforeActivateRemoveOnChange: number

The time (in milliseconds) to wait before activating 'remove on change' feature.

Optional useFastGlob

useFastGlob: boolean

Use 'fast-glob' instead of 'node-glob' or not.

Optional useGlobalQueue

useGlobalQueue: boolean

Use a global queue for all deploy operations or not.

Optional values

The items.

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