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Interface DeployConfiguration

Configuration settings.


  • WorkspaceConfiguration
    • DeployConfiguration


[key: string]: any

Readable dictionary that backs this configuration.



Optional alwaysShowPackageList

alwaysShowPackageList: boolean

Indicates if package list is shown, even if there is only one entry.

Optional alwaysShowTargetList

alwaysShowTargetList: boolean

Indicates if target list is shown, even if there is only one entry.

Optional alwaysSyncIfNewer

alwaysSyncIfNewer: boolean

Always synchronize a local file with a newer one when using 'sync when open' in a package.

Optional autoSelectWorkspace

autoSelectWorkspace: boolean

Select the workspace by active text editor automatically or not.

Optional button

button: object

Settings for a "quick deploy button".

Type declaration

  • Optional enabled?: boolean

    Inidciates if button is enabled / visible or not.

  • Optional packages?: string | string[]

    A list of one or more packages to deploy.

  • Optional text?: string

    A custom text for the button.

Optional clearOutputOnStartup

clearOutputOnStartup: boolean

Clear output on startup or not.

Optional commands

A list of one or more script based commands to register.

Optional deployOnChange

deployOnChange: boolean

Activates or deactivates "deploy on change" feature.

Optional deployOnSave

deployOnSave: boolean

Activates or deactivates "deploy on save" feature.

Optional disableNewVersionPopups

disableNewVersionPopups: boolean

Disables the display of popups that reports for a new version of that extension.

Optional displayLoadedPlugins

displayLoadedPlugins: boolean

Display loaded plugins in output window or not.

Optional displayNetworkInfo

displayNetworkInfo: boolean

Display network information in output window or not.

Optional env

env: object

Settings for the process's environment.

Type declaration

  • Optional importVarsAsPlaceholders?: boolean

    Automatically import environment variables as placesholders / values.

  • Optional noPlaceholdersForTheseVars?: string | string[] | boolean

    A list of variables that should NOT use placeholders / values.

  • Optional vars?: object

    One or more variable for the process to define.

    • [name: string]: any

Optional events

events: Event | Event[]

One or more global events.

Optional fastCheckForIgnores

fastCheckForIgnores: boolean

Indicates if a "fast" file check should be used for the list of ignored files (s. 'ignores').

Optional fastCheckOnChange

fastCheckOnChange: boolean

Default value that indicates if a "fast" file check should be used for "deploy on change" feature or not.

Optional fastCheckOnSave

fastCheckOnSave: boolean

Default value that indicates if a "fast" file check should be used for "deploy on save" feature or not.

Optional fastCheckOnSync

fastCheckOnSync: boolean

Default value that indicates if a "fast" file check should be used for "sync when open" feature or not.

Optional globals

Defines an object that contains global values and objects, categorized by its properties.

Optional hideDeployResultInStatusBarAfter

hideDeployResultInStatusBarAfter: number

The time in seconds the result item in the status bar should disapear.

Optional host

host: object

Deploy host settings.

Type declaration

  • Optional autoStart?: boolean

    Run on startup or not.

  • Optional dir?: string

    The root directory where files should be stored.

  • Optional maxMessageSize?: number

    Maximum size of a JSON message.

  • Optional messageTransformer?: string

    The path to a module that UNtransforms received message data.

    s. 'TranformerModule' interface

  • Optional messageTransformerOptions?: any

    The optional options for the "message data" transformer script.

  • Optional password?: string

    An optional password to use.

  • Optional passwordAlgorithm?: string

    The algorithm for the password to use.

  • Optional port?: number

    The TCP port on that the host should listen.

  • Optional showPopupOnSuccess?: boolean

    Show popup if host has been started or stopped successfully.

  • Optional transformer?: string

    The path to a module that UNtransforms received file data.

    s. 'TranformerModule' interface

  • Optional transformerOptions?: any

    The optional options for the "file data" transformer script.

  • Optional validator?: string

    The path to the script that validates received files.

    s. 'ValidatorModule' interface

  • Optional validatorOptions?: any

    The optional options for the "validator" script.

Optional ignore

ignore: string | string[]

One or more pattern of files that should be ignored even if a deployment is started for them.

Optional imports

imports: ImportType | ImportType[]

A list of imports.

Optional language

language: string

The ID of the language to use (e.g. 'en', 'de')

Optional modules

modules: string | string[]

List of additional files of plugin modules to load.

Optional name

name: string

A custom machine name.

Optional open

A list files to open on startup.

Optional openOutputOnDeploy

openOutputOnDeploy: boolean

Open the output window before deploying starts or not.

Optional openOutputOnStartup

openOutputOnStartup: boolean

Open the output window on startup or not.

Optional packages

packages: DeployPackage[]

List of packages.

Optional runBuildTaskOnStartup

runBuildTaskOnStartup: boolean | number

Run build task on startup or define the wait time, in milliseconds, after the build task should be run after startup.

Optional runGitPullOnStartup

runGitPullOnStartup: boolean | number

Run Git pull on startup or define the wait time, in milliseconds, after Git pull should be run after startup.

Optional showDeployResultInStatusBar

showDeployResultInStatusBar: boolean

Show an item in the status bar after deployment or not.

Optional showPopupOnSuccess

showPopupOnSuccess: boolean

Indicates if an info popup / notification should be displayed after a successful deployment or not.

Optional showWarningIfIgnored

showWarningIfIgnored: boolean

Show a warning message if a (single) file has been ignored.

Optional showWarningsForNonExistingTargets

showWarningsForNonExistingTargets: boolean

Indicates if a warning popup / notification should be displayed if targets do not exist.

Optional startApi

startApi: boolean

Starts the REST API or not. s. https://github.com/mkloubert/vs-rest-api

Optional startCronJobs

startCronJobs: boolean

Starts the cron jobs or not. s. https://github.com/mkloubert/vs-cron

Optional startupCommands

startupCommands: (string | StartupCommand)[] | StartupCommand | string

A list of one or more Visual Studio Code commands that should be run on startup.

Optional syncWhenOpen

syncWhenOpen: boolean

Activates or deactivates "sync when open" feature.

Optional targets

targets: DeployTarget[]

List of targets.

Optional templates

templates: object

A list of template sources.

Type declaration

  • Optional allowUnparsedDocuments?: boolean

    Allow unparsed (HTML) documents or not.

  • Optional footer?: string

    Path or URL to a HTML footer that should be inserted at the beginning inside the BODY tag of each (default) HTML document.

  • Optional header?: string

    Path or URL to a HTML header that should be inserted at the beginning inside the BODY tag of each (default) HTML document.

  • Optional showDefaults?: boolean

    Show default sources or not.

  • Optional sources?: string | string[] | TemplateSource | TemplateSource[]

    List of one or more sources.

Optional timeToWaitBeforeActivateDeployOnChange

timeToWaitBeforeActivateDeployOnChange: number

The time (in milliseconds) to wait before activating 'deploy on change' feature.

Optional useGitIgnoreStylePatterns

useGitIgnoreStylePatterns: boolean

Also check directory patterns, like in '.gitignore' files, in all packages by default or not.

Optional useTargetListForDeployOnSave

useTargetListForDeployOnSave: boolean

Use 'targets' property of a package instead, if its 'deployOnSave' property is set to (true).

Optional useWorkspaceStartTimeForSyncWhenOpen

useWorkspaceStartTimeForSyncWhenOpen: boolean

Use workspace start time for 'sync when open' for all packages by default or not.

Optional values

A list of one or more values that can be accessed via placeholders in strings, e.g.



  • get<T>(section: string): T | undefined
  • get<T>(section: string, defaultValue: T): T
  • Return a value from this configuration.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • section: string

      Configuration name, supports dotted names.

    Returns T | undefined

    The value section denotes or undefined.

  • Return a value from this configuration.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • section: string

      Configuration name, supports dotted names.

    • defaultValue: T

      A value should be returned when no value could be found, is undefined.

    Returns T

    The value section denotes or the default.


  • has(section: string): boolean
  • Check if this configuration has a certain value.


    • section: string

      Configuration name, supports dotted names.

    Returns boolean

    true if the section doesn't resolve to undefined.


  • inspect<T>(section: string): object | undefined
  • Retrieve all information about a configuration setting. A configuration value often consists of a default value, a global or installation-wide value, a workspace-specific value and a folder-specific value.

    The effective value (returned by get) is computed like this: defaultValue overwritten by globalValue, globalValue overwritten by workspaceValue. workspaceValue overwritten by workspaceFolderValue. Refer to Settings Inheritence for more information.

    Note: The configuration name must denote a leaf in the configuration tree (editor.fontSize vs editor) otherwise no result is returned.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • section: string

      Configuration name, supports dotted names.

    Returns object | undefined

    Information about a configuration setting or undefined.


  • update(section: string, value: any, configurationTarget?: ConfigurationTarget | boolean): Thenable<void>
  • Update a configuration value. The updated configuration values are persisted.

    A value can be changed in

    Note 1: Setting a global value in the presence of a more specific workspace value has no observable effect in that workspace, but in others. Setting a workspace value in the presence of a more specific folder value has no observable effect for the resources under respective folder, but in others. Refer to Settings Inheritence for more information.

    Note 2: To remove a configuration value use undefined, like so: config.update('somekey', undefined)

    Will throw error when

    • Writing a configuration which is not registered.
    • Writing a configuration to workspace or folder target when no workspace is opened
    • Writing a configuration to folder target when there is no folder settings
    • Writing to folder target without passing a resource when getting the configuration (workspace.getConfiguration(section, resource))
    • Writing a window configuration to folder target


    • section: string

      Configuration name, supports dotted names.

    • value: any

      The new value.

    • Optional configurationTarget: ConfigurationTarget | boolean

      The configuration target or a boolean value.

      - If `true` configuration target is `ConfigurationTarget.Global`.
      - If `false` configuration target is `ConfigurationTarget.Workspace`.
      - If `undefined` or `null` configuration target is
      `ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder` when configuration is resource specific
      `ConfigurationTarget.Workspace` otherwise.

    Returns Thenable<void>

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