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Interface DeployPackage

A package.




Optional alwaysSyncIfNewer

alwaysSyncIfNewer: boolean

Always synchronize a local file with a newer one when using 'sync when open' in that package.

Optional applyValuesTo

applyValuesTo: object

A list of property names and their values that should be applied to that object.

Type declaration

  • [prop: string]: any

Optional button

button: DeployPackageButton | boolean

Settings for a "package button".

Optional deployOnChange

deployOnChange: true | DeployOnChangeFileFilter

Deploys files on change.

Optional deployOnSave

deployOnSave: true | string | string[]

Deploy files of the package on save or not.

Optional description

description: string

The description.

Optional detail

detail: string

Additional information that should be shown in the GUI, e.g.

Optional exclude

exclude: string[]

Files to exclude.

Optional fastCheckOnChange

fastCheckOnChange: boolean

Indicates if a "fast" file check should be used for "deploy on change" feature or not.

Optional fastCheckOnSave

fastCheckOnSave: boolean

Indicates if a "fast" file check should be used for "deploy on save" feature or not.

Optional fastCheckOnSync

fastCheckOnSync: boolean

Indicates if a "fast" file check should be used for "sync when open" feature or not.

Optional files

files: string[]

Files to include.

Optional if

if: string | string[]

One or more (JavaScript) conditions that check if that item is available or not.

Optional inheritFrom

inheritFrom: string | string[]

One or more names of objects from where to inherit from.

Optional isFor

isFor: string | string[]

A list of one or more (host)names that item is (visible) for.

Optional isHidden

isHidden: boolean

Is hidden or not.

Optional loadFrom

loadFrom: string

The source from where to load the data from.

Optional name

name: string

The name.

Optional noNodeModules

noNodeModules: boolean

Exclude 'node_modules' directory by default or not.

Optional platforms

platforms: string | string[]

One or more platform the item is for.

Optional showForDeploy

showForDeploy: boolean

Show this package for deploying or not.

Optional showForPull

showForPull: boolean

Show this package for pulling or not.

Optional sortOrder

sortOrder: number | Object

The sort order.

Optional syncWhenOpen

syncWhenOpen: boolean | string | SyncWhenOpenFileFilter

Synchronizes local files with remote ones when opening it.

Optional targets

targets: string | string[]

One or more explicit targets to deploy to.

Optional useTargetListForDeployOnSave

useTargetListForDeployOnSave: boolean

Use 'targets' property of this package instead, if its 'deployOnSave' property is set to (true).

Optional useWorkspaceStartTimeForSyncWhenOpen

useWorkspaceStartTimeForSyncWhenOpen: boolean

Use workspace start time for 'sync when open' for that package or not.

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