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Interface OpenBoardOptions

Options for opening a board.


  • OpenBoardOptions



Optional additionalResourceRoots

additionalResourceRoots: vscode.Uri | vscode.Uri[]

Additional, allowed resource directories for the web view(s).

Optional fileResolver

fileResolver: function

The function that returns the underlying file to use.

Type declaration

    • (): vscode.Uri
    • Returns vscode.Uri

Optional git

git: any

The Git client.

Optional loadFilter

loadFilter: function

Loads a filter.

Type declaration

    • (): string | PromiseLike<string>
    • Returns string | PromiseLike<string>

Optional noScmUser

noScmUser: boolean

Do not detect username via source control manager.

Optional noSystemUser

noSystemUser: boolean

Do not detect username of operating system.

Optional raiseEvent

raiseEvent: EventListener

A listener for an event.

Optional saveBoard

A listener for a 'save board' event.

Optional saveFilter

A listener for a 'save board filter' event.

Optional settings

settings: BoardSettings

The settings for the board.

Optional showOptions

showOptions: vscode.ViewColumn

Display options for the tab of the underlying view.

Optional title

title: string

The title for the view.

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