Possible results for NewButtonSetup
Handles a value as string and checks if it does match a file filter.
The value to check.
The filter.
Does match or not.
Clones an object / value without functions deep.
The value / object to clone.
The cloned value / object.
Creates a new status bar button.
The description for the button.
The promise with new new button.
Executes something.
The thing / command to execute.
The promise with the result.
Executes a file.
The thing / command to execute.
The promise with the result.
Filters items with 'if' code.
The items to filter.
The filtered items.
Filters platform specific objects.
The items to filter.
The filtered items.
Returns the (possible path) of the extension's sub folder inside the home directory.
The path of the extension's sub folder inside the home directory.
Returns the (possible path) of the extension's log sub folder inside the home directory.
The path of the extension's log sub folder inside the home directory.
Returns the value from a "parameter" object.
The object.
The name of the parameter.
The value of the parameter (if found). Otherwise the value of 'defValue'.
Invokes an action for a temporary file.
The action to invoke.
The result of the action.
Checks if a value is a boolean or not.
The value to check.
Is boolean or not.
Checks if a value is a function or not.
The value to check.
Is function or not.
Checks if a value represents a hex string.
The value to check.
Represents a hex string or not.
Checks if a value is (null) or (undefined).
The value to check.
Is (null)/(undefined) or not.
Checks if a value is an object or not.
The value to check.
Is object or not.
Checks if a value is a string or not.
The value to check.
Is string or not.
Checks if a value is a symbol or not.
The value to check.
Is symbol or not.
Promise version of 'FS.lstat()' function.
The path.
The promise with the stats.
Merges objects by their names. Last items win.
The object(s) to merge.
The merged objects.
Promise version of 'FSExtra.mkdirs()' function.
The directory to create.
Normalizes a path.
The path to normalize.
The normalized path.
Opens a target.
The target to open.
Opens and shows a text document.
The promise with the new text editor.
Promise version of 'FS.readdir()' function.
The path.
The promise with the file and folder names.
Promise version of 'FS.readFile()' function.
The file to read.
The promise with the stats.
Reads the content of a stream.
The stream.
The promise with the content.
Replaces all occurrences of a string.
The input string.
The value to search for.
The value to replace 'searchValue' with.
The output string.
Imports a module from extension context.
The ID of the module.
The imported module.
Promise (and safe) version of 'vscode.window.showErrorMessage()' function.
The message to display.
The promise with the selected item.
Promise (and safe) version of 'vscode.window.showInformationMessage()' function.
The message to display.
The promise with the selected item.
Promise (and safe) version of 'vscode.window.showWarningMessage()' function.
The message to display.
The promise with the selected item.
Sorts items by its label.
The item(s).
The sorted items.
Promise version of 'FS.stat()' function.
The path.
The promise with the stats.
Converts a path to a "displayable" one.
The input value.
The output value.
Converts a file filter to a 'minimatch' compatible one.
The filter to convert.
The converted filter.
Tries to find a language ID by filename.
The (name of the) file.
The promise with the language ID (if found).
Promise version of 'FS.unlink()' function.
The path.
Extracts the query parameters of an URI to an object.
The URI.
The parameters of the URI as object.
Promise version of 'FS.unlink()' function.
The file to write to.
The data to write.
Generated using TypeDoc
A function to setup a new button.
new button.
The description.
The result.