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Interface DeployOpenOperation

An operation that opens something like an URI.




Optional arguments

arguments: string | string[]

List of arguments to send to the target.

Optional description

description: string

The description for the operation.

Optional envVars

envVars: object

A list of optional environment variables to use.

Type declaration

  • [name: string]: any

Optional name

name: string

The name of the operation.

Optional noPlaceholdersForTheseVars

noPlaceholdersForTheseVars: string | string[] | boolean

A list of variables that should NOT use placeholders / values.

Optional runInTerminal

runInTerminal: boolean

Run in integrated terminal or not.

Optional target

target: string

The application / target to open.

Optional type

type: string

The type.

Optional useEnvVarsOfWorkspace

useEnvVarsOfWorkspace: boolean

Also use environment variables of the process of current workspace or not.

Optional usePlaceholdersInArguments

usePlaceholdersInArguments: boolean

Use placeholders in arguments or not.

Optional wait

wait: boolean

Wait until target has been executed or not.

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