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Interface BeforeDeployWebDeployOperation

An operation that starts Web Deploy (msdeploy) and is invoked BEFORE files will be deployed.




Optional allowUntrusted

allowUntrusted: boolean

Optional appHostConfigDir

appHostConfigDir: string

Optional args

args: string[]

Optional declareParam

declareParam: string

Optional declareParamFile

declareParamFile: string

Optional description

description: string

The description for the operation.

Optional dest

dest: string

Optional dir

dir: string

The working directory.

Optional disableAppStore

disableAppStore: boolean

Optional disableLink

disableLink: string

Optional disableRule

disableRule: string

Optional disableSkipDirective

disableSkipDirective: string

Optional enableLink

enableLink: string

Optional enableRule

enableRule: string

Optional enableSkipDirective

enableSkipDirective: string

Optional envVars

envVars: object

A list of optional environment variables to use.

Type declaration

  • [name: string]: any

Optional exec

exec: string

The optional path to the executable.

Optional name

name: string

The name of the operation.

Optional noPlaceholdersForTheseVars

noPlaceholdersForTheseVars: string | string[] | boolean

A list of variables that should NOT use placeholders / values.

Optional postSync

postSync: string

Optional preSync

preSync: string

Optional removeParam

removeParam: string

Optional replace

replace: string

Optional retryAttempts

retryAttempts: number

Optional retryInterval

retryInterval: number

Optional runInTerminal

runInTerminal: boolean

Run in integrated terminal or not.

Optional setParam

setParam: string

Optional setParamFile

setParamFile: string

Optional showSecure

showSecure: boolean

Optional skip

skip: string


source: string

Optional type

type: string

The type.

Optional unicode

unicode: boolean

Optional useCheckSum

useCheckSum: boolean

Optional useEnvVarsOfWorkspace

useEnvVarsOfWorkspace: boolean

Also use environment variables of the process of current workspace or not.


verb: string

Optional verbose

verbose: boolean

Optional wait

wait: boolean

Wait for execution finished or not.

Optional webServerDir

webServerDir: string

Optional whatif

whatif: boolean

Optional xml

xml: boolean

Optional xpath

xpath: string

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