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Interface BeforeDeployHttpOperation

A deploy operation for doing a HTTP request that is invoked BEFORE files will be deployed.




Optional body

body: string

The body or the path to a script that returns the body to send.

Optional description

description: string

The description for the operation.

Optional headers

headers: any

The request headers.

Optional isBodyBase64

isBodyBase64: boolean

Indicates if 'body' is Base64 encoded or not.

Optional isBodyScript

isBodyScript: boolean

Indicates if 'body' contains the path to a script instead the content to send.

Optional method

method: string

The HTTP request method.

Optional name

name: string

The name of the operation.

Optional noPlaceholdersForTheseHeaders

noPlaceholdersForTheseHeaders: string | string[] | boolean

A list of headers that should NOT use placeholders / values.

Optional options

options: any

The options for the script that returns the body to send.

Optional password

password: string

The password for basic auth.

Optional type

type: string

The type.

Optional url

url: string

The URL.

Optional username

username: string

The username for basic auth.

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