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Interface Job

Settings for a job.




Optional ___detail

___detail: string


Detail information for the GUI.

Optional action

action: string | JobAction

The command / action to invoke.

Optional autoStart

autoStart: boolean

Directly run on startup or not.

Optional description

description: string

A description for the job.

Optional format

format: string


Optional if

if: string | string[]

One or more (JavaScript) conditions that check if that item is available or not.

Optional isFor

isFor: string | string[]

A list of one or more (host)names that item is (visible) for.

Optional maximum

maximum: number

The maximum number of executions.

Optional minimum

minimum: number

The minimum number of ticks before the job does its first action.

Optional name

name: string

The (display) name of the job.

Optional platforms

platforms: string | string[]

One or more platform the item is for.

Optional runParallel

runParallel: boolean

Indicates if this job can run parallel to another or not.

Optional startDelay

startDelay: number

The start delay in milliseconds.

Optional time

time: string

The time value that is used to configure the job.

Optional timeZone

timeZone: string

The custom timezone to use.

Optional validFrom

validFrom: string

Defines the minumum time the job can be executed.

Optional validUntil

validUntil: string

Defines the maximum time the job can be executed.

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